

HOWTO GET AROUND IN BARCELONA Barcelona has a great public transport ser- vice. To make things easier for you, the main tourist spots are very well connected. The metro connects the most popular tourist areas and central areas of Barcelo- na. There is also an extensive city bus net- work and, for your nights out, there is the Night Bus (Nitbus). The ideal way to get to towns near Barcelona is on the Cercanías (suburban) or FGC local railway network. Trams run in the metropolitan area. Barcelona is perfect for cycling . All over the city you will be able to find establish- ments to rent bicycles at very affordable prices. Another convenient option is to take a taxi , which in Barcelona are yel- low and black, or see Barcelona from the Tourist Bus . To get around as you please you can hire an electric car or motorbike .

CATALAN, A CO-OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Catalonia has its own language: Catalan. Most people who live in Barcelona speak Catalan and Spanish, which is also an official language.


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