Bilbao city guide 2017 ENG
The heart of San Sebastián and its movie-set streets
Culture, tradition, celebrations… From the hugely popular Tamborrada (Procession of drums), which is celebrated in style on the day of San Sebastián, to the processions of the Caldereros and the Iñudes and Artzaiak (nursemaids and shepherds), which herald the start of the Carnival. San Sebastián has it all. Events worth a special mention are the International Film Festival, which through its long history has brought world famous starts to the city, the original Fantasy and Horror Film Week and the Jazz Festival, with musicians and fans from around the world and the Quincena Musical (Musical Fortnight). Every day, there are various artistic expressions going on in which the whole city participates. City of
culture and
©Festival de Cine de San Sebastián.
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