Castilla y Leon Tourist Guide
Cultural tourism
almost three kilometres of walls that safeguard a wealth of monumental treasures that includes the cathe- dral and a considerable number of fine churches, convents, palaces and stately homes that transmit a pro- found, almost magical essence. The city is imbued with the air of spiritu- ality of its most illustrious personality: Saint Teresa of Ávila. Throughout the year, Ávila plays host to a large num- ber of events. Highlights include Holy Week, declared an event of interna- tional tourist interest, and the Inter- national Circus Festival, which takes place in September.
Castilla y León is home to an unri- valled historical, cultural and artistic heritage. Eight UNESCO World Her- itage Sites, amazing monuments, a treasure trove of castles, fortresses and strongholds, monasteries and re- ligious buildings that are all unique. Centuries of history carved into its walls, façades, cathedrals and ancient Jewish quarters. THE CITY OF ÁVILA Ávila was included on the UNES- CO World Heritage List in 1985. This city, traditionally known as a ‘land of chants and saints’, is enclosed within
AN IMPRESSIVE CITY WALL Ávila boasts 2.5 kilometres of walls, 9 gates, 88 fortified towers and more than 2,000 battlements. The main section that is open to visitors, mea- suring 1,200 m, links the Casa de las Carnicerías with Adaja Bridge.
THE AQUEDUCT It measures 15 kilometres in length and 29 m at its highest point. It was built from 20,400 ashlar stones of granite, assembled without mortar using an ingenious method to bal- ance the forces. This sturdy con- struction has stood for more 2,000 years.
A view of Ávila’s city walls from the battle- ments.
THE CITY OF SEGOVIA Segovia, declared a UNESCO World Heritage City in 1985, is presided over by a magnificent aqueduct, one of the finest feats of Roman engineering. The Cathedral – known as ‘the Queen’ of Spain’s cathedrals – the Royal For- tress and its many religious and civil constructions confer not only an aes-
thetic appeal but also an undisputable cultural value on this city. In some of the streets it is still possible to ob- serve traces of the coexistence of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian cultures. Each year the streets of Segovia pro- vide the backdrop for a wide range of interesting cultural and tourist activ- ities that draw large numbers of vis- itors.
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