Catalonia - Art and Culture 2018
Spirituality DEVOTION
to diversity Cathedrals, synagogues and sikh temples coexist in this welcoming land where prayers are said and mantras are recited.
Is it theatre or religion? It is difficult to separate both things in the performances of the Passion of the Christ held in Olesa de Montserrat and Esparreguera. Every year between March, April, and May, theatres specifically chosen to receive the show fill with actors and extras (between 500 and 600), residents of these towns who, with the help of remarkable stage teams and the original soundtrack, put on an amateur produc- tion of this play that details the life of Jesus Christ. Tradition has a lot to do with the organi- At one time, the Christian faith had a large influence on Catalan culture and geography.Visitors can enjoy the experience of discovering the spiritual side of Catalonia.
© oriol llauradó
Spiritual life The multitude of religions is normal in a country where, according to the Autono- mous University of Barcelona, one out of every four places of worship is not Catho- lic. All it takes is a stroll through in Barce- lona, Tarragona, Lleida or Girona, or even towns such as Salt and Guissona, to rea- lise that the people living in Catalonia to- day have enriched the spiritual life of the land by bringing a variety of beliefs that range from Islam and Buddhism to the Baha’i faith . These religions live together in harmony, and in Catalonia you can visit a Hindu fes- tival like the Ratha Yatra, see a Catholic procession go by, or visit a Buddhist mon- astery in the Garraf massif. Maybe Catalo- nia’s status as a haven has to do with the history of these lands, which were crossed by the Muslims, inhabited by Jewish com- munities, given over to the Christian faith, and finally becoming a place that values diversity based upon respect.
he Plaça Reial in Barcelona is fa- mous for its porches that shelter terraces. Before becoming a square, in the 18th century, the
sation of living Nativity scenes, with figures portrayed by real people, at Christmas time. The Patum de Berga , also has its roots in a mediae- val religious performance. Catholicism left its mark on the holiday calen- dar of Catalonia, as well as its geography and customs. There has been an organised Christian church in Catalonia since the middle of the third century. The 7th-century Muslim domination marked a break in the practice, the end of which brought about the creation of national identity
THE PAssion of olesa.
space was a large convent founded by the Capuchins. Today, in one of the many flats in this square, there is a Hare Krishna temple open to anyone who wants to visit. In the same district, we find spaces of worship for Muslims , Sikhs, and people of other religions.
demonstration BY the hare KRISHNA group in barcelona.
the cathedral: secrets and legends To be able to have this experience, pay attention to the guide and take note of the proportions: 25% alchemist, 18% witch, 11% inquisitor, 7% midwife, 5% soul, 2% mystery, and 1% legend. This is the formula to avoid missing a single detail of the night tour through the Old Town of Barcelona, around the cathedral. It is an activity for adults that is available all year round. The tour can be conducted in Catalan, Spanish, French, and English.
For more information
© Miguel perales. gz
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