Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
Located in the Ría de Arousa , Cor- tegada Island —along with Ons, Cíes and Sálvora— is part of the At- lantic Islands of Galicia National Park . Because it is classified as a protected area , in order to access it you should seek information on the schedule for the ferry that will transport you to its coasts A popular destination for botanists from around the world, the laurel forest , which covers the entire is- land, is astounding and makes it a true natural treasure. Seafood is often cooked with a handful of the plant's leaves, known as bay leaves, to enhance its flavour. Once you're off the ferry, check out the visitor Cortegada Island
information booth, which will show you the two marked routes, both of which are easy to complete. The first of the two circuits runs along the island's perimeter, while the second does so during the first half of the path to then cut clear across the island, through the laurel trees. Both paths begin at the ruins of the Virgin of Miracles Hermit- age , which pilgrims began to visit in the 17th century due to its alleged curative properties. The island's coastline offers numer- ous calm, solitary beaches where visitors can rest, take a walk, or cool off in the pristine waters.
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