Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
A Virxe do Porto shrine. Valdoviño
A land of beliefs and legends, in Galicia you will find unique enclaves and spectacular views from temples that have been melding Pagan traditions and Christian religious rites for centuries. MAGICAL SHRINES
The "three wishes " trip
In Ferrol , you should take a walk through the A Madalena neighbour- hood , where you can explore the industrial and fishing past of a city whose golden days were back during the Enlightenment, when its military complex was built. The first shrine you should visit is the Chamorro Hermitage . Its name comes from the sculpture of the Vir- gin Mary that sailors used to worship and which was housed inside, since whenever they were in danger of being shipwrecked, they would shout “Xa morro!” (I'm dying!) in the hopes of receiving divine intervention. You may ask for your first wish from the patron saint.
The journey begins in the town of Ferrol and will take you all the way to the town of Viveiro , in Lugo. It offers you the opportunity to dis- cover the more northern edge of Galicia's coast, where steep cliffs are continually pummelled by the fearsome Atlantic Ocean . Beliefs and legends are a big part of this region's traditions. The al- leged curative powers of many natu- ral elements tied to spiritual beliefs combine Pagan and Christian tra- ditions . Many devotees come here each year to visit these three shrines in order to fulfil promises, pray to the saints or contemplate the area in which they are located.
Continuing along the coastline, you will find beaches such as the ones in Covas, Valdoviño, Pantín and Vilarrube , all ideal for any season, and they have become the beaches of choice for surfing lovers . According to legend, those who have not gone to Santo André de Teixido once during their lifetime will do so thrice after their death. To reach the shrine, pilgrims walk up to fifty kilometres, along wild beach- es and cliffs so high they can take your breath away. There are many rituals associated with worship of this saint. When you visit the 18th century church, do not fail to offer up your prayers .
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