Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
the finest cheeses , rapini, potatoes and bread. We specialise in cornmeal Gali- cian pies (empanadas ) filled with cockles, variegated scallops and pretty much anything that runs, flies or swims; in stews ; in Spanish omelettes; in seafood platters; in European pilchard paired with Pa- dron peppers (D.O.P. Pementos de Herbón); in roasted chestnuts ; in stuffed spider crab ; and in applying innovative techniques to natural products that become gold in the hands of today's chefs. Our tasty and unique wines, with designations of origin such as O Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra, Rías Baixas, Valdeorras and Monterrei, enliven get-togethers and no meal is com- plete without coffee liqueur , herb liquor, or the magical queimada
punch , accompanied by spells. We jump over waves in search of fertil- ity, on the night of San Juan our beaches are ablaze with bonfires, we have rocks with curative powers, herbs hanging off the side of cliffs that inspire love, and fountains in which miraculous waters flow. If you come to visit us, you will discover scenery where rivers wend their way through vineyards, fine, white sand beaches bathed by a tumultuous sea , medieval towns and fishing villages with an unforgettable scent of the sea, World Heritage monuments and islands inhabited by unique species. Living in Galicia offers you a singu- lar experience, the chance to escape routine, travel through nature in its purest form, get lost in the mystery and find inner peace.
Tui Cathedral
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