Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
Monterrei castle
If you travel from Verín to Santiago de Compostela you will get a full experience of the route known as the Silver Way or the South-eastern Way. In Verín, you will be welcomed by the Monterrei fortress . Its most notable aspect is its keep, which looms over the town and the Támega River valley. Located atop an acropo- lis, for 800 years it has guarded the lands that stretch into Portugal. Its triple wall protects, among oth- er things, the Green Well , which has been tied to stories of infidelity and suicide, such as that of the wife The Silver Route
of Peter the Cruel . It is typical to indulge in boiled octopus , cod and androlla , a type of pork sausage, all washed down with local wine. If you continue on your journey, you will reach Augas Santas , which is very close to Allariz . This town has one of Galicia's most impressive historic centres. If you take a stroll through the village, you can sample sweet cakes or royal almond cake, in addition to Queixo do Rexo , a cheese made from sheep's milk . Known as the thermal capital of Galicia, Ourense boasts a major historic centre, the most important
element of which is its cathedral and its famous chapel of Santo Cris- to. The fountain of As Burgas , from which water flows at 67 degrees centigrade, is tied to a legend that there is a dormant volcano under the city. In addition to its Ribeiro wine , Ribadavia is home to valuable art/ history heritage, most notably the Castelo dos Condes , one of Galicia's most typical fortresses. Be sure to visit the wine bars, where you can sample local wines. You must also try the sweets sold in the old Jewish quarter.
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