Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
With five designations of origin and the product of centuries-old traditions, Galician wines are valued throughout the world. A visit to the place where they are produced is sure to be an enjoyable experience for you. STROLLING THROUGH VINEYARDS
Cambados , the cradle of A lbariño wine
Cambados is the starting point for this trip, where you will travel through the land where the famous Albariño grape is grown. A stately town, Cambados combines courtly architecture and seafaring tradition. The wines stored in its cel- lars, which bear the Rías Baixas des- ignation of origin , are the perfect ac- companiment to the region's fish and seafood dishes The Paseo de la Calzada, Príncipe Street, and the Parador are all man- datory stops during your visit here. They are normally teeming with tour- ists in the summer months, thanks
natural conditions of the Galician rías mean that the seafood is of an unbeat- able, internationally-renownedquality. The Fefiñáns Pazo is one of the best examples of stately civil architecture in all of Galicia. Located next to the San Bieito church, this semi-urban pazo forms an interesting artistic grouping, the construction of which began in the 16th century. Its courtyard is dominated by the coats of arms of the Viscounty of Fefiñáns and the Marquisate of Figueroa. The floor, which is laid out in an "L" shape, opens out to a plaza bearing its name. The most notable feature is the cre-
to the mild climate and unbeatable cuisine. The Albariño Wine Festival , which has been declared a site of National Tourist Interest and one of the oldest in Spain, is an event you can't miss in the summer in Galicia. You can go to visit the stands set up by local winer- ies and sample their products. From the town's promenade, you can see the A Toxa and Arousa islands in the distance. Between them and the coast is a vast assortment of punts that collect mussels and oysters . Local res- taurants and bars serve up these true delicacies. Remember that the unique
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