Galicia Tourist Guide 2018


If you want to learn how the fishermen and shellfish gatherers work, what fishing techni- ques and utensils they use, or how a market works, be sure to visit a fishing village to explore this fascinating world. MARINE TOURISM

Seaside vil lages: Muros , Fisterra and Muxía

The Costa da Morte will offer you the chance to get to know the day-to-day routine of typical villages devoted to fishing. In fishing villages such as Muros, Fisterra and Muxía, legends of shipwrecks and lighthouses dotting the rugged coasts run rampant. Take a boat tour of Cape Fisterra , which in ancient times they be- lieved that the world ended . To- day there are many pilgrims who finish the Way of Saint James before the ocean.

At its ports, you canwatch as redeiras women repair fishing gear. It takes a person five years to master this de- tail-oriented task. You mustn't leave without trying some of the recently- caught delicacies at the taverns lo- cated in the ports of Muros or Muxía . A land of many stories and tragic sinkings, you will find crosses placed at different locations along the coast in memory of those who perished in the Atlantic. Winter storms in this area are unforgiving, and the ocean's

ferocity makes navigation difficult if not impossible. This also puts the lives of percebeiros , who collect goose barnacles, at risk. At the Cabo Vilán lighthouse, one of the Galician coast's most impor- tant and which is situated in a beau- tiful place where you can enjoy a me- morable sunset, you have the Centro de Interpretación dos Naufraxios, Faros e Sinais Marítimos [Ship- wrecks, Lighthouses and Maritime Signals Visitor's Centre].


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