Galicia Tourist Guide 2018




Galicia is a predominantly rural re- gion, and its landscape is dotted with small towns and villages . Its historic hamlets continue to serve as a com- mercial and administrative point of reference for the population living throughout the area. Betanzos was the capital of the king- dom of Galicia during the middle Ages. Its nickname, "City of Gentle- men" makes reference to its impor- tance as a home for noble families. Muros. One of the things that will sur- prise you most about this town, which sits right on a ría by the same name, are the stone arcades under which sailors would store their fishing gear. Historic complexes

Pinta docked in 1493 , bringing news of the discovery of America . Due to the sieges it suffered, a fortress was built; today it operates as a touristic parador. Tui . The defensive style in which its cathedral was built is certain to draw your attention, as are the magnificent tympanum reliefs on the main door. This village was a strategic adminis- trative and religious settlement. Allariz. The Arnoia River, with its idyllic riverside walk, cuts through this town, whose glory days were back in the Middle Ages, when it was a cul- tural centre and capital of the king- dom of Galicia. Ribadavia 's rich medieval past helped it to become the capital of the

Ribeiro designation of origin region. Surrounded by vineyards and the Avia River, the Castelo dos Condes [Castle of the Counts] presides over the population. Mondoñedo. The episcopal head- quarters, themain focus of this town's centre is its magnificent cathedral. If you're in the mood for something sweet, try a slice of the typical cake filled with candied pumpkin strands, known as "cabello de ángel". Viveiro. The strategic importance of this town's port was the motiva- tion behind the wall that was built around it. Are you up for searching for the three access gates? Once in- side the walls, you will get an idea of the splendour of this town's past.

Baiona. It was at this port that the


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