Galicia Tourist Guide 2018
Fragas do Eume
Galicia is the perfect destination for enjoying some quality time with the family. People of all ages will find options at any time of the year , thanks to the pleasant climate , which remains temperate . Addition- ally, it is a safe destination that is not overcrowded , so it shouldn't be hard for you to decide where to go on holiday. There are a variety of companies that offer open-air activities for the little ones . Have some fun c anoeing, kay- aking, rock climbing, surfing or with archery . There are also some sailing schools that offer summer camps at various coastal locations. The calmwa- Family tourism
ters of the rías enable you to sail safely. There are various museums that would satisfy the entire family. At A Coruña's four science muse- ums , all of which are completely interactive , you will see how to feed seals, identify a planet's stars, ex- plore a plane cabin or learn how DNA works. At other museums, such as Allariz's toy museum you can see how chil- dren of the past used to have fun, and at the railroad museum in Monforte de Lemos you can learn about the history of the train. For anyone who is passionate about
animals , at the Marcelle Natureza and Avifauna parks you can see bison, zebras, emus, llamas, rein- deer, wolves, flamingos, vultures, turtledoves, pheasants and grouse. Another way to get in touch with the natural and agricultural world is to visit a farm school . Fervenzaventura de Silleda, Casa Grande de Xanceda and Casa Alva- rella all allow visitors to explore the rooms where the cows are milked and the stables where the sheep and goats sleep, brush ponies , collect vegetables and legumes from the garden, bottle-feed calves or bake your own bread .
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