Mediterranean Coast of Spain
Every imaginable style is represented at Weekend Beach in Torre del Mar (Málaga). There is something for every- one: legendary rock bands, the latest in hip-hop, electronic and alternative mu- sic, all in a venue right next to the Med- iterranean. And you can't miss the Sitges Zombie Walk, a stroll amongst the living dead in the centre of in this coastal town near Barcelona.
If you're a fan of horror, get ready for the terrifying experiences on offer each year at the Sitges Film Festival , one of the most important in the horror film genre in the world.
SHOPPING If you love shopping, or just want to give yourself a treat, then Spain is the destination for you. Here you'll find the best fashion labels, outlets selling top brands, and designer stores. There are also numerous traditional markets and antique shops. You'll find the most exclusive bou- tiques in the Eixample district in Bar- celona, near the Passeig de Gracia and the Avinguda Diagonal . For alter- native shopping you have the shops in El Born and the Gothic Quarter . To discover the best street markets, then head for Las Ramblas or the Plaza de Les Glories Catalanes .
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