Meeting in Spain- Wine Routes
• Check theexpirationdateof your passport, if it iswithin 6 months of expiration; consult with the consulate and airline website whether it needs to be renewed before you travel. • Generally, US citizens do not need a visa if their stay is less than 90 days. Please be sure to confirm with Spain’s Embassy or Consulates. • If you are planning to drive, you will need an International Driving Permit (IDP), which can be issued by either AAA (Online) or AATA (by mail). • Consult travel insurance companies and get a plan that covers your time and planned activities in Spain. • Scan your passport and keep a copy in a place that is easy to access for you while abroad (pen drive, cellphone, cloud service) • Make sure you have fulfilled the airlines’ requirements for luggage in advance. • If you are traveling with your pet, check if they comply with applicable health records and requirements. • Makesureyouprintout theaddress for yourfirstnight’s accommodation and keep it in your carry-on luggage. • Airline apps work most of the time to scan yourself through the boarding gates, but just in case your battery dies or the app malfunctions print a copy of your boarding cards. • Keepananalog copyof your important contacts inyour wallet. That way, if something goes wrong and you cannot access your phone, you can still get in touch. • It is hard to generalize but we recommend our visitors carry at least 100 euro in cash per person to cover meals out and other incidentals for a day. PRE-BOARDING INFORMATION
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