Meeting in Spain- Wine Routes
The Rías Baixas stretches across the territory of A Coruña, the Atlantic Ocean and Pontevedra (frontier with Portugal). This wine is mostly white, predominantly using the “Albariño” grape. Wine made with traditional customs (vine training, small terrains, harvesting by hand) and innovative technological advances. This wine-growing area has a very different aura from other wine territories. MODERNITY & HISTORY
The Rías Baixas Wine Route extends through a territory filled with small seaside towns, old pilgrims’ ways, country manors and monasteries. Additionally, the wine making tradition has more than 900 years of history and the D.O itself more than 30 years. Delight yourself with a land of sailors, where seafaring culture manifests; Cambados, A Guarda, A Lanzada and the Carril are lovely places to start.
WHY VISIT RIAS BAIXAS D.O. WINE ROUTES? Culture, history and culinary tradition create the perfect combination. Rias Baixas Route with its rolling hills and giant prairies of fierce green color is one of the most captivating areas of Spain. This area has the best of both worlds: wonderful beaches and great mountain ranges.
Mirador de A Granxa , Nanin by Graci Camiña
A Graña - Galicia, by Sergei Gussev / CC BY
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