Navarra Guide 2019
the higheSt villageS in navarre
the aezkoa valley is a huge green carpet formed by forests and grasslands, dotted with caves, dolmens, hermitages and barns. the valley is home to the highest village in navarre, abaurregaina/abaurrea alta, with its “Stelae garden” , consisting of a score of disc-shaped stelae in their origi- nal positions and orientation. 15 of the 22 granaries still standing in navarre can be found scattered around the beautiful villages of aezkoa. garaioa, aribe, garralda, aria, hiriberri/villanue- va de aezkoa, orbara, orbaizeta, abau- rregaina/abaurrea alta and abaurrepea/ abaurrea Baja are the nine small villages which make up this valley, which is also home to a spot not to be missed: the Or- baizeta arms factory . in the heart of the woods, very close to the french border stand the ruins of the royal arms and munitions factory of or- baizeta. in the 18 th and 19 th centuries, it supplied the army with weapons and am- munition, and the old furnaces and the canalisation of the legartza river are still there to be seen. the factory, declared of cultural interest, is being subjected to an ambitious restoration project.
abaurrepea/abaurrea Baja ▲
izal, granary ▼
hiriberri/villanueva de aezkoa ▼
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