Navarra Guide 2019
BelagUa valley, high PyreNeeS Belagua is a unique valley in navarra, formed thousands of years ago by one of the tongues of ice coming down from the larra glacier. at the highest point of Belagua, the larra nature reserve is one of the most impressive karst landscapes in europe. some parts of it are protected due to their great ecological value. nature activities, ranging from hiking, canyoning and climbing to potholing and paragliding, are performed in Belagua throu- ghout the year. in winter, you can enjoy cross-country skiing and snowshoeing at the larra-Belagua ski resort.
Belagua, cross-country skiing ▲
isaba ▼ ▼ zemeto Path/trail
18 | eaSterN PyreNeeS
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