Navarra Guide 2019
laNd OF BaNditS , shePherds, warriors and Pilgrims
luzaide/valcarlos is where the french route of the way of st James enters Navarre. It is a typical Pyrenean border village in which you should not miss the Church of santiago após- tol, rebuilt between the 18 th and 19 th centuries; the pilgrim monument, a tribute by the sculptor Jorge Oteiza; and its striking, ancestral dances, the
dances of the Bolantes ▲
dances of the Bolantes , which you can see on easter sunday. don’t miss the landscape around the winding road up to the iba- ñeta pass. this was the site of the epic battle of roncesvalles, in which Charlemagne’s troops, led by roland, were defeated by the Vascons, a historical event recounted in the “Chanson de roland”.
down to orreaga / roncesvalles ▼
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