Navarra Guide 2019
the favoUrite gorge of the griFFON vUltUre
lumbier is a small town situated beneath the sierra de leire with steep streets to remind you how close it is to the Pyrenees and houses with coats of arms and carved doors. the town hall, a renaissance building dating from the 15 th century, is in Calle mayor. the lumbier gorge is a spectacular cleft in the rock through which the irati train used to run. it is 2.6 km long and don’t miss the griffon vultures hiding in the crevices on the gorge’s cliff fa- ces. very nearby is the arbaiun gorge , another wonderful place to visit.
▼ lumbier gorge
▲ arbaiun gorge
aoiz, a vieWPOiNt over the irati river 28 km from Pamplona is aoiz, a small town with some true na- tural and artistic treasures. among its most prized gems, the four-arched romanesque bridge Bidelepu; the Church of san miguel and the houses emblazoned with coats of arms in the historic centre. discover the beautiful natural scenery in the area on the sig- nposted walks to places as spectacular as the viewpoint over the irati river, the hermitage of san román, the ice house or the itoiz reservoir. if you have a sweet tooth, don’t forget to ask for the delicious, local dessert, costrada de Aoiz .
28 | aOiZ, lUmBier, SaNgÜeSa, Javier, leyre
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