Navarra Guide 2019
estella LA BELLA no sooner do you arrive in estella-lizarra or Estella la Bella (es- tella the Beautiful), as it was known in the 15 th century, than you find the Church of El Santo Sepulcro, a mere foretaste of what awaits you in the monumental town with the largest number of stately houses and palaces in navarre. don’t miss the Palace of the monarchs, the only romanesque civil building still standing in navarre, the bridge of la Cárcel or the town’s mediaeval chur- ches, like the Cistercian-style san Pedro de la rúa (13 th century) or san miguel. stroll through the old town and enjoy its lively atmosphere and local culinary specialities, such as suckling pig or rocas del Puy , hazelnuts coated in chocolate. If you are there at the end of July, enjoy its mediaeval week and if it is september, the spectacular ancient music week; an absolute delight.
▼ estella, Church of el santo sepulcro
38 | eUNate, PUeNte la reiNa, eStella-liZarra, UrBaSa, lOS arcOS, viaNa
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