Navarra Guide 2019
lace (16 th century), the City hall and some grand houses and buildings, such as the house of el almirante, the house of ibáñez luna, the Palace of the marquis of huar- te or the Castel ruiz culture centre. also worthy of mention are the romanesque Church of la magdalena, a national mo- nument with one of the few romanesque towers left in navarre, the muñoz sola mu- seum and the monreal tower, which has a camera obscura that offers spectacular panoramic views of the city. the Plaza de los fueros is the favouri- te meeting place for locals and the pla- ce where two festivals held during holy week take place: the Volatín and the des- cent of the angel. when they want to take a walk, many lo- cals and visitors choose the tarazonica rail trail , which starts at tudela railway station and runs along the banks of the Queiles river amidst market gardens, far- mland and reedbeds to the aragonese vi- llage of tarazona.
▲ tarazonica rail trail
rian peninsula. its main appeal lies in the wide range of things you can do there; there is something for all tastes and ages. if you go with small children, see the chic- ks hatch at the farm, enjoy a boat ride, drive a dodgem, play at fishing, search for diamonds and wonder at the incredi- ble bird of prey in flight display. And if it’s stronger emotions you are after, try the valhalla rollercoaster, the Bobsleigh or the Big zip line.
▲ Bardenas reales natural Park
there are numerous viewpoints from which to photograph this unique desert, where foxes, wild cats and genets live amongst the thickets, salt marshes and esparto grass. a magical time to visit the Bardenas reales is in late summer, when thou- sands of sheep from the Pyrenean va- lleys enter the park via el Paso to graze during the winter.
▼ tudela
FUN for the whole family
the Sendaviva adventure and Fun Park , located next to the Bardenas reales, is the largest family leisure park on the ibe-
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