Navarra Guide 2019
eXPerieNce the magic of witChes and Covens shrouded in a veil of mystery which dates back to the 17 th century, Zugarramurdi receives you with its famous cave, a magical place where covens were held and which the movie director alex de la Iglesia immortalised in his film “Witching & Bitching”. the best way to learn about the history of this magical village and its traditions, and get a better understanding of why its population was persecuted by the inquisition is to visit the witch museum in what used to be the old local hospital, very close to the caves.
Cave of zugarramurdi ▲
Urdazubi/Urdax / Caves of ikaburu ▼
on the trail of SmUgglerS
separated from the Baztan valley by the otsondo pass stands the small town of Urdazubi/Urdax , on the border with france. a peaceful stroll through its streets will reveal to you its mediaeval stone bridges, its houses emblazoned with coats of arms, the 9 th -century monastery of san salvador and a mill which dates from the 1700s.
the caves of ikaburu , a universe of stalactites and stalagmites which started to take shape 14,000 years ago, are worthy of special mention. and at the caves, history lovers can set off on the smugglers’ trail.
6 | atlaNtic PyreNeeS
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