Premium Spain
A PERFECT SHOPPING EXPERIENCE Spain is the perfect place to find a little treat for yourself. Here you'll find exquisite antique shops, boutiques with the best brands, showrooms for young designers and delightful craft markets. Come with us and we'll show you some of the best.
TAX FREE The advantages of shopping in Spain go beyond a wide variety of products. If you reside outside the European Union you can shop Tax Free . You can ask for a VAT refund. All you need to do is show your passport and ask for a Tax Free invoice in the shop. Then you'll need to show your purchases and have the invoices stamped at customs, then ask the corre
sponding agent to make the refund. They all have refund points at the main Span ish airports and borders. You can also ask for the refund to be made to your credit card, by bank transfer, or by internation al bank draft. Nowadays this can be done digitally, or at the DIVA kiosks found at airports or departure ports.
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