

STARGAZING Come and see stars, constellations and planets. Spain has one of the best night skies in the world for studying the firmament. You can do so in protected natural spaces, rural houses and small hotels spe cialising in stargazing tourism. The Starlight Tourist Destination cer tification distinguishes the sites that are best for watching the night sky in optimal conditions. Here are a few options. In the Canary Islands you'll find some of the most spectacular settings in the world for seeing the stars, like the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma. Are you ready to stargaze on the top of a volcano? The Teide National Park in Tenerife (World

Heritage) is the place to enjoy this unique experience. Inland Spain also offers excellent destinations for anyone interest ed in seeing stars. The Monfragüe Biosphere Reserve and National Park in Extremadura offers the chance to see a spectacular sky in the Torrejón el Rubio Astronom ical Observatory and at the Cas tillo de Monfragüe viewing point. The Sierra Morena , a mountain ous area that crosses a large part of northwest Andalusia, is an ex cellent spot with multiple viewing points and accommodation for stargazers. There are experience packages available which include specialised guides, observation equipment and transport.


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