Unique Venues for Meetings in Spain
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TEATRO REAL, MADRID Standing opposite the Royal Palace, this historic two-centuries-old building is one of Madrid's most iconic cultural symbols. This unique venue, decorated with art works from National Heritage and the Prado Museum, will provide any corporate event held there with great prestige and solemnity. The functionality and versatility of the classic halls, in combination or sepa rately, make it possible to include sever al different activities. The modern Sala Gayarre is a perfect complement for the Café de Palacio annex. The former dance hall and the spectacular Sala Prin
cipal are available for private congress es, providing the artistic programme al lows this. The Teatro Real has a team of experts to help you create an unforgettable expe rience, which could include lyrical recit als and a tour of the theatre's public and artistic features. No. rooms/areas: 5 Maximum capacity as a theatre: 1,752 Maximum capacity for a reception: 350 L www.teatroreal.es www.esmadrid.com/mcb
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