World Heritage Cities in Spain
Photo: Jewish Quarter Network
The Plaza de Santa María is surround- ed by palaces and dominated by the Co-Cathedral of Santa María , a 15th century Gothic building with a beau- tiful Plateresque altarpiece. The build- ings around this square include the Mayoralgo Palace , one of the largest in the city, and the Carvajal Palace . It has a unique corner balcony and a charm- ing patio with a fig tree which is over 400 years old. Nearby stands the Golfines de Abajo Palace, with a Renaissance façade with Gothic and Mudéjar features and it is where the Catholic Monarchs used to stay over five centuries ago. There is so much of interest within the walled city of Cáceres, but special men- tion should go to the Veletas Palace , which houses a historical water cistern and the Cáceres Museum.
The city's prehistoric origins can be ex- plored in the Maltravieso Cave Visitor Centre where there are some spectac- ular engravings and cave paintings. An ideal end to the tour would sure- ly be a visit to the Sanctuary of La Virgen de la Montaña , the patron saint of Cáceres, from where you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of this monumental city. In Cáceres there are countless experi- ences for you to enjoy. For a little ad- venture you could fly over Cáceres in a hot-air balloon. Or you could take a dramatised night tour of the city to learn about its history in an original and entertaining way.
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