World Heritage Cities in Spain
CÓRDOBA The origins of Córdoba are lost in the depths of time. On the border between the East and the West, during the Middle Ages it became Europe's princi- ple metropolis, a point of reference as a cultural and political guiding light, home to the great scientists, philosophers, as- tronomers and mathematicians of the time. For one of the most beautiful views of this Andalusian city you should go to the Calahorra Tower just to get a preview of this extraordinary, spectacular city. There you can visit the Living Museum of al-Andalus which demonstrates the co-existence of the three cultures; Jewish, Christian and Moorish. Cross the Roman Bridge over the Guadalquivir River and enter the city through the Puerta del Puente gateway. It's just a short distance to the heart and soul of the city, the Great Mosque- Cathedral whichyou reachvia the Puerta del Perdón gateway. The beautiful Patio de los Naranjos leads to the incredible forest of columns with two-tone arches in the interior. The Catholic Cathedral, which is a blend of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, stands proudly in the cen- tre of the mosque. As you leave the Great Mosque- Cathedral you enter the Jewish Quarter , with cobbled streets and white-washed houses, one of the most popular imag- es of the city, and you can visit the only medieval synagogue in Andalusia. In this neighbourhood you'll find some of the oldest patios in Córdoba, they are espe- cially beautiful at the beginning of May when the Festival of the Patios is held, an event declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Photo: World Heritage Cities
Visit the Alcázar Viejo neighbourhood and admire the numerous patios which you can visit on your own or accompa- nied by a guide. Check the timetables because they are not always open to the public. You can also visit the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos , an ancient fortress where the discovery of America was planned and has Moorish gardens which are a true delight. In the same square you'll find the Royal Stables , where you can attend equestrian performances. To try some of the typical cuisine from Córdoba, like salmorejo (chilled tomato soup similar to gazpacho ) and fried au-
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