World Heritage Cities in Spain
Photo: World Heritage Cities
Stroll around the streets and discover the delights of medieval Cuenca. The main streets converge on the Plaza Mayor where you'll find the Cathedral of Santa María y San Julián , built in the 12th and 13th centuries over an old mosque. The structure is a blend of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. The monumental façade is ac- companied by the colourful walls and wrought iron balconies of the adjoining stately mansions. You can stop for a rest and try some of the city's typical dishes, like morteruelo (pâté made from pig's liver, spices and breadcrumbs) and ajoarriero (cod with potatoes, garlic, olive oil and parsley) on the terrace of one of the bars in the square. It's less than a minute's walk to the city’s greatest distinguishing feature: The Casas Colgadas , or Hanging Houses,
built in the 15th century, with wooden balconies leaning out over cliffs above the Huécar River. In the interior of these extraordinary buildings you'll find the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art which is also well worth visiting. There you just need to cross the San Pedro Bridge , another of the city's iconic symbols uniquely designed in iron and wood, to reach the Convent of San Pablo which has been restored and is now a Parador Hotel. The area surrounding Cuenca is a nat- ural paradise as well as providing the visitor with an open window onto the past in the archaeological sites of Segóbriga, Valeria and Ercávica with the remains of forums, a necropolis and
buildings from the Roman era. L L For further information go to:
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