World Heritage Cities in Spain
MÉRIDA Travel back in time to a city that flour- ished during the Roman Empire. If you come in June you can take part in Emerita Ludica, a festival recreating history in which local residents dress up in Roman costumes and organise cultural activities which will take you back to this era. It was the starting point for the ancient Silver Route and the capital of the Roman province of Lusitania, making it one of the most prosperous cities in the Empire.
Its greatest attraction, a true architec- tural gem, is the Roman Theatre . It was built in the 1st century BC and it still serves the purpose for which it was de- signed. It is amazingly well preserved and its magnificent appearance will sur- prise you. Behind it there is a beautiful arcaded garden. Nearby you'll find the amphitheatre . Both venues spring to life every summer during the Mérida Classical Theatre Festival , one of the most important fes- tivals organised in Europe.
Photo: World Heritage Cities
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