World Heritage Cities in Spain
You then move on to the neighbour- hood called the Barrio de los Caballeros , which in the past used to be the home of wealthy families of noble lineage. The buildings that have been well preserved include the Palace of Valdeláguila , the Residence of the Marquises of Lozoya and the Casa de las Cadenas . In the maze of streets which make up the me- dieval old town you'll find Romanesque gems like the Church of San Juan de los Caballeros (which now houses the Zuloaga Museum ) and the Church of La Santísima Trinidad . From here you should look towards the end of the walled enclosure. On the horizon, beyond the Reina Victoria Eugenia Gardens you'll see the amaz- ing Alcázar . This extraordinary medieval fortress stands high on a rock and looks just like a fairy-tale castle. You can visit numerous patios and royal rooms full of legends, you can even climb to the top of the tower and enjoy the magnificent countryside.
You should always spare some time to visit the House-Museum of Antonio Machado , where the distinguished Spanish poet lived, and the Esteban Vicente Contemporary Art Museum , dedicated to the internationally re- nowned artist. If you visit at Easter you can enjoy de- lightful concerts of sacred music in the religious buildings. In July, the patios in the palaces and other charming venues become the scenario for the Festival of Segovia . And in springtime you shouldn't miss Titirimundi , a magical event which fills the streets with pup- pets and marionettes. Both the modern Parador Hotel and the traditional restaurants are ide- al for sampling the dish for which the city has become famous: roast suck- ling pig. A wonderful way to end the day is to take a walk along the banks of the Eresma River to the Pradera de San Marcos , an ideal place to rest and where you'll get possibly the best view of the amazing Alcázar. L L For further information go to:
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