World Heritage Cities in Spain
tected area that includes the salt pans which are home to flamingos and ex- tensive fields of posidonia oceanica on the seabed. In the Canary Islands, near San Cristóbal de La Laguna, you can vis- it the Anaga Rural Park . Hike along the paths amongst the lush forests of lau- risilva until you reach the lookouts from where you see the gigantic Teide . InTarragonayouhave theMediterranean sea and great natural spaces in the sur- rounding area. Just a few kilometres from the historical town centre you can cross the Roman aqueduct of Les Ferreres also known as Puente del Diablo or Devil´s Bridge, surrounded by nature. The countryside around Santiago de Compostela is noted for the green for- ests surrounding the city. The presence of nature is highlighted by the historic gardens of the Parque de la Alameda and the Santo Domingo de Bonaval and Belvís Parks in the city centre. They
all feature in their own right amongst the most iconic and visited attractions in the city. Both Cuenca, Úbeda and Baeza, the smallest of Spain's World Heritage Cities, can be proud of the natural ar- eas around them. Let your imagination hold sway as you admire the Ciudad Encantada, the incredible rock forma- tions in the Sierra de Cuenca Nature Reserve . A surprising geological phe- nomenon which gives the natural sur- roundings an air of magic in an area which also features the source of the Cuervo River. You'll simply love the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Nature Reserve and the valleys, rivers and forests very near Úbeda and Baeza. Take a boat trip on the Tranco Reservoir , enjoy a lit- tle hiking alongside the Borosa River and take a close look at the Chorro Gil waterfall .
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