50 Experiences to Enjoy in Spain
VISIT THE CHEESE FARM AND CIDER PRESSES OF ASTURIAS Taste a delicious cheese washed down with cider in Asturias. If you want to enjoy the experience like a real Asturi an, you should pay a visit to a tradition al cheese farm or llagar (cider press). If you like cheese, you'll find this re gion in Spain a paradise. It has no less than 40 different varieties! Some of the best-known are Afuega'l Pitu, Ga moneu and Cabrales. You can also take a tour of some of the cheese dairies that offer guided visits. In the Concejo
de Cabrales area you can visit some of the natural caves where they make Cabrales, one of the finest blue chees es in the world. You can take part in a tasting session and learn about the life of the shepherds in a unique setting: the Picos de Europa mountains. “Llagar” is the name given to the place where they make cider, the typical drink of Asturias. Cider is served here in a wide glass. Learn how to pour it in the typical manner: raise your arm, holding the bottle as high as you can, and try to ensure the stream falls di rectly into the glass held in your other hand as low as possible. It's not easy, but it's great fun.
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