Basque Country Tourist Guide
Basque beaches Chosen by queens, painters and poets for their beauty, fine climate and waters rich in iodine and salt. Now you can enjoy their charm.
t hemultitude of beaches that dot the Basque Coast are versatile as well as beautiful. You can just take it easy or combine relaxation with numerous activities such as surfing, canoeing, diving, paddle-type beach sports or beach volley. All the beaches guarantee the quality of their waters and services with certifications renewed year after year. There are all kinds of urban beach ideal for families including La Concha in San Sebastian, Astondo in Gorliz or Isuntza in Leketitio, all in Bizkaia. The best for a young, fun-loving atmosphere are Zurriola in San Sebastian and Gorliz and Plentzia, in Bizkaia. The surfboard and sea kayak are most at
home at Zarautz, Bakio and Laidatxu , the last in Mundaka... or Gorrondatxe (Getxo), Arrietara (Sopelana), Antilla in Orio and Barinatxe, known as La Salvaje (the Savage), between Getxo and Sopelana. Other beaches popular with visitors for their wide, uncrowded stretches and good facilities include Hondarribia , Karraspio in Mendexa, Arrigunaga and Ereaga in Getxo, La Arena in Muskiz and Zierbena, Ea , Santiago in Zumaia, Malkorbe in Getaria, Deba , and Arrigorri in Ondarroa. One very special beach is Laida in Ibarrangelu. Its unique charm comes from the beauty of its setting in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. Itzurun in Zumaia is another jaw-dropping beach and it can also tell you the geological history of the Basque Coast.
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