Basque Country Tourist Guide
If you need an easily accessible beach, Bizkaia has Ereaga and Arrigunaga both in Getxo, Laga, Karraspio and Toña (Sukarrieta), and Gipuzkoa offers you La Concha, Zarautz and Ondarbeltz . And finally, if you are into naturism, the Basque Country has a wide variety of small coves and several beaches where you can feel free. A sample of bays: Barrika, Lapatxa in Ea, Ulía and Igueldo in San Sebastian and Zurriola , which also has a nice beach. Others include Zarautz and Saturraran in Mutriku. Bizkaia offers Meñakoz in Barrika-Sopelana, Aizkorri in Getxo and Barinatxe in Sopelana-Getxo.
z a r a u t z
urfing arrived to the Côte Basque , as the French Basque Coast is known, especially in Biarritz, in the 1950's. Slowly but surely
the sport attracted followers, and today this is a benchmark surfing area. If you are interested you can choose from numerous active tourism companies that offer courses and classes to get started or for those who are already experts. From San Sebastian to Getxo, through Zarautz, Sopelana, Bakio and Mundaka, which has the best waves in Europe, love of surfing is reflected in the endless number of surfers from around the world who make the pilgrimage to these beaches. The towering waves provided by the Cantabrian Sea (some ranked World Class) makes it possible to hold major championships such as those of San Sebastian, Zarautz and Sopelana, the latter two included in the European and World circuits, and the Punta Galea Big Challenge in Getxo (World Big Wave Tour).
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