Extremadura Guide Eng 2016

From February to March, you can admire Ruta de Carlos V in La Vera, Las Candelas inAlmendralejo, Los Negritos de San Blas in Montehermoso, El Peropalo in Villanueva de la Vera, Carnival in Badajoz and Carnivals of Campo Arañue- lo in Navalmoral de la Mata. Valle de Jerte celebrates the

June first Valencia deAlcántara celebrates El Corpus Christi , Coria El Toro de San Juan , aproximately on al 21st june, and Zafra its feast De la Luna al Fuego. On the first Tuesday inAugust Plasencia offers its Martes

Mayor . In the same month we can know the feast of La Tenca in Tajo- Salor, La Enramá in Pinofranqueado, el Festival de La Sierra in Fregenal, The Festival Medieval de Alburquerque and Zalamea de la Serena presents to us “El Alcalde de Zalamea” , whereas in September Segura de León celebrates Las Capeas , Monesterio El Día del Jamón , Villafranca de los Barros La Vendimia y la tradicional Velá de la Virgen Coronada and in Oc- tober we can admire in Guadalupe la Hispanidad and in Ambroz Valley El Otoño Mági- co. In December we can enjoy ourselves in the two festivities de- clared as Tourist Interest Festiv- ities of Extremadura: Los Es- cobazos in Jarandilla de la Vera and La Encamisá in Torrejoncil- lo.

start of spring with the magnifi- cent feast called Cerezo en Flor in March. Also inmarch takes place La Feria del Toro in Olivenza. Easter is declared as Tourist Interest Festivity of Extremadura in Badajoz, Cáceres, Jerez de los Caballeros, Mérida, Plasencia y Trujillo. Also at Easter we can vis- it Los Empalaos in Valverde de la Vera and La Pasión Viviente in Oliva de la Frontera. When Easter is finished, Campanario celebrates Romería de Piedraescrita , Villanueva de la Serena La Carrerita , Arroyo de la Luz Las Carreras and Trujillo El Chíviri. In April and on its last sun-


day Fuente de Cantos celebrates La Chanfaina , Feria La Santa Cruz and on the 15th of the same month is the San Isidro Labrador`s Celebration Day in the country, either in Valencia de Alcántara or in Fuente de Cantos. La Octava del Corpus in Peñalsordo is hold according to the dates in which Easter is celebrated. In the locality of la Albuera, on 16th May and the follow- ing weekend, is hold La Batalla de la Albuera.

In addition to the declaration as “Tourist Interest Festiv- ity of Extremadura”, Los Carnavales in Badajoz, Easter in Cáceres, Badajoz y Mérida, Cerezo en Flor in Valle del Jerte and El Jarramplas in Piornal, are declared “National Tourist Interest Festivity”. Easter in Cáceres is also “International Tourist Interest Festivity”.

General Aspects

Art and History

Natural Spaces

Regions and Cities

Other aspects





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