Extremadura Guide Eng 2016

The Vegas del Guadiana areas are also joined by means of the Ex-105 and the Ex-104 , which go across the main nu- clei in this region such as Guareña, Don Benito, Villanueva de la Serena and reach Cabeza del Buey in La Serena and even the Easternmost part of this region. These regions that border on Córdoba and Ciudad Real are characterised by eye-catching mountainous areas that rise over large dehesas, in which the waters from the reser- voirs of El Cíjara , García Sola , Orellana , La Serena and Zú- jar give rise to beautiful landscapes. We can find some places and corners of great beauty in the Cíjara Regional Hunting Reserve , in the Peloche moun- tainous region, in the already-mentioned reservoirs of Cí- jara, Orellana, La Serena, Zújar or García Sola and in the mountainous regions of Almorchón, la Nava, Benquerencia, Helechal, Peñalsordo or Capilla. Among the festivities and customs of these regions, which are not only large but also attractive, the ones that stand out are the celebration of Virgen de Piedraescrita’s day in Cam-

panario, “La Octava del Corpus” in Peñalsordo and “La En- camisá de SanAntón” inNavalvillar de Pela, the well-known “Carrerita” in Villanueva de la Serena at Easter, all of which have been declared as Tourist Interest Festivity of Ex- tremadura Likewise, other festivities of religious nature that stand out are the celebration of Virgen de Belén’s day in Cabeza del Buey, the festivity of Virgen de Nazaret in Garlitos. The well-known “tortas de la Serena” , a type of pie made of sheep’s milk, are highly appreciated inside and out- side Extremadura. They have Guarantee of Origin, a dis- tinction that is also attributed to the oil of Monterrubio de la Serena. The Megalithic age also left its mark, which becomes ev- ident through the presence of dolmens such as the one of Magacela. Besides, as regards the centuries prior to the Ro- mans’ arrival, there are idols such as the ones found in Rena and especially the temple and site of Cancho Roano , close to Zalamea de la Serena. These findings are essential to get to know this historical period in the Iberian Peninsula.


La Mesta Bridge. Villarta de Los Montes

General Aspects

Art and History

Natural Spaces

Other aspects

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